St. Mother Teresa High School

School News

Suggested School Supplies:

Those Walmart and Staples Back-to-School commercials have long since begun! For those of you looking to plan and shop ahead, please consider adding the following items to your shopping lists: 

Welcome Barbeque: On Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 we invite all new students to attend our SMT Welcome BBQ from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. At this event, students will have the opportunity to tour the school, participate in icebreakers and a scavenger hunt led by student leaders, purchase an SMT Athletics t-shirt for $20.00 cash (perfect for phys-ed class and Spirit Days!), purchase a lock for $10.00 cash, pick up their Presto pass, and enjoy a bbq where they can meet and mingle with their peers. Upon drop-off for the event, parents will have the opportunity to set up their account for School Messenger and School Cash Online with the support of our office administrators. 

School Calendar

Board News & Information

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