
Resource staff

Grade 7/8 Resource Teachers: 
Mrs. Suzanne Hayes, Ms. Joy Delbaere

Grade 9-12 Resource Teachers: Ms. Margaret Burnett, Ms. Anne Marie LeBrun, Maurice Pelletier

EQAO Grade 9 Math Assessment

Grade 10 OSSLT Literacy Assessment

Dates for 2021-22 assessment: TBA

Practice Test

Gifted Learners

There are a number of activities organized throughout the school year for students who are identified as Gifted learners (particularly for our Intermediate and Grade 9 and 10 students).  For students in Grades 11 & 12, the focus shifts more to self-directed opportunities and post secondary planning. 

Resource teachers will be contacting students for specific enrichment opportunities depending on grade and area of interest(s). In addition to this, please find below a list of self-directed opportunities which students are welcome to participate in. For more information, please contact your child's Resource teacher.

Helpful Hints for Home & School